
Transhumanism is a philosophy which advocates for the radical enhancement of human capacities using science and technology, that is, self-directed human evolution. There are many varieties of transhumanism, with no consensus on what the evolution should or will consist of. For example, some transhumanists envision a fusion with the digital, either in the form of […]

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Memory After the Human: Posthumanist Memory and the Epimethean Elegiac

This entry considers memory in the context of critical posthumanism, which might be perceived as the philosophical antidote to the more familiar transhumanist tendency that extends the humanist legacy by privileging the (white, masculine, heterosexual, Western) human subject as a universal category to be augmented, enhanced or transformed by means of various technologies. In this […]

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Embodiment in Posthuman Rhetoric

In “The Body: An Abstract and Actual Rhetorical Concept”, Karma Chavez critically examines how rhetoric historically privileges certain abstract bodies, i.e. white, cisgender, able-bodied, heterosexual males, while invisibilising actual ones based on gender, race, ability, and sexual orientation. By introducing the concept of the “textual stare”,[1] Chavez provides a lens through which the rhetorical field […]

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Living in a world of multiple crises makes human and nonhuman vulnerability salient, defining and remedying the consequent vulnerability integral to many social and political agendas. My concept of vulner—ability is of a different nature. I come to it through a posthumanist material feminist conceptualisation of the human and nonhuman that also offers a rethinking […]

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