The Genealogy of the Posthuman provides an online companion to posthumanism’s histories and current concerns. Addressing an expanding range of themes and ideas, it is made up of entries informed by the objectives of re-examination and critique of posthumanism’s acknowledged, unsuspected and evolving dimensions. The Genealogy is an open and international project and welcomes interventions by academics, researchers and doctoral students working on the posthuman and related fields.
Click on the entries below. If you would like to discuss a possible entry or submit one for consideration, please navigate to our Call for Entries, or write to
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- Affect: Psychopower and Eventology
- Agency
- Anders, Günther
- Animal
- Animality and Blackness
- Anthropocene
- Artists’ Books and the Anthropocene
- Baudrillard, Jean
- Beckett, Samuel
- Bellmer, Hans
- Bio art and the end of philosophy (Feuerstein & Hegel)
- Blade Runner: 2049 and Biotechnology
- Butler, Samuel (Erewhon)
- Care/full Looking: Notes Towards a Posthumanist Account of Painting
- Comics (7 Miles a Second)
- Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI)
- Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian
- Critical Memory Studies for the Posthumanist Age
- Critical Posthumanism
- Critique
- Cyberpunk
- Deep-Sea Mining
- Deleuze, Gilles
- DeLillo’s (The) Silence
- Derrida and Posthumanism (I): From Sign to Trace
- Derrida and Posthumanism (II): The Animality of the Trace
- Derrida and Posthumanism (III): The Technicity of the Trace
- Ecohauntology
- Education
- Electronic Literature
- Embodiment
- Embodiment in Posthuman Rhetoric
- European Posthumanism
- Extremophiles: Promise and the Posthuman
- Feminism
- Frankenstein
- Freud and Posthumanism: From Sexual Instinct to the Death of Death
- Genealogy
- Gibson, William
- Golding’s Lord of the Flies, The Inheritors, and Human and Nonhuman Interconnectedness
- Hamlet, Shakespeare and Posthumanism
- Heidegger, Martin
- High-Tech Orientalism (Cyberpunk & Race)
- Lady Gaga
- Literature
- Meaning
- Medical Humanities
- Medieval Posthumanism
- Memory After the Human: Posthumanist Memory and the Epimethean Elegiac
- Microbial Life
- Midhumanism
- Migration
- Modernism and the Posthuman
- Musical Atmospheres
- Narrative
- New Materialism(s)
- Nietzsche
- Octavia E. Butler’s Posthuman(ist) Imagination
- Plants
- Posthuman Mimesis
- Posthuman Suffering
- Posthuman Times
- Posthumanism and the Question of Race; or: Posthumanisation in the Colonial Anthropocene
- Religion
- Rhetoric and Posthumanism
- Romantic Self and Posthumanism
- Science Fiction and Posthumanism
- Shelley, Mary (Frankenstein)
- Solidarity
- Speciesism
- Sustainability
- Technological and Posthuman Zones
- The Posthuman William S. Burroughs
- Topology
- Transhumanism
- Translation and Critical Posthumanism
- Unknowing: New Materialism in the Light of In-the-Dark Artmaking Methods
- Vulner-ability
- Westworld and the Robotic Imagination
- Xenotransplantation, Form-of-Life and Literary Fiction
- Zoe-Egalitarianism: Rosi Braidotti, Politics and Equality